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Bank of America Registered Several Dozen Domains

Bank of America, one of the largest financial holding companies not only in the United States but also in the world, has registered several dozen domain names in the .COM zone. Well-known domain investor and blogger Maggi Ferguson reported this on her website. The event itself could not be considered too remarkable: acquiring domain names in dozens, or even hundreds, is a common thing for many corporations. But what is of interest is the nature of these domains.

All of them (and their exact number is 63) consist of the very name of the Bank of America company, or its abbreviation (BOA) and terms one way or another related to cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies. Examples include,,,, etc. This seems quite unexpected: traditional financial institutions, to put it mildly, do not favor blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies and are skeptical and extremely wary of them. But perhaps such a massive registration of such domains indicates an upcoming change of course - and that one of the systemically important banks in the US financial system intends to actively compete for a place in the market of advanced financial technologies.

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