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$383,283,044.49 - Exact Amount Of All Domain Transactions Carried Out Through Past Year

At the end of last year, the secure deposit service published the average amounts of domain transactions carried out through it for each of the domain zones. For the .COM, the average was a very impressive $41,693. However, this figure says little about the real value of the bulk of transactions: arithmetic averages can be greatly influenced by even a few very large acquisitions, and it is known, for example, that last year the domain was sold for more than $10 million (exact the transaction amount was not disclosed).

Therefore, the Domain Name Wire turned to representatives of with a request to disclose the median transaction amounts for domain zones. The figures it published showed an interesting picture: the highest median value of domain name transactions conducted through the service last year was $10,000 for Anguilla's country code .AI. Followed by .ORG - $5,237, Canada .CA - $5,000, UK .CO.UK - $4,673, British Indian Ocean Territories .IO - $4,500 and Italian .IT – $4,283. And only after them comes the .COM domain with a median transaction amount of $4,000.

It is worth understanding that the given values are probably higher than the median transaction amounts for the same domain zones for the market as a whole. This is explained by the fact that many not very large transactions are concluded without using the services of The service also named the total amount of domain transactions carried out through it in 2023: it amounted to $383,283,044.49.

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