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Highly Liquid Domains Market Q4 2023 Results Summed Up

GGRG has published its traditional quarterly review of the highly liquid domain name market. These include names of 2-4 characters (or 5 digits) in the .COM. There are 614,928 such domain names and they are traditionally viewed as the highest value domain asset.

According to The Domains, the last three months of the past year were not the most successful. Thus, the volume of transactions with highly liquid domain names that were carried out through the secure deposit service decreased by 57% and amounted to $9.5 million, and the total amount of all transactions fell slightly short of $17 million. Nevertheless, 2023 itself turned out to be a record year in the history of publishing reviews - and the current issue is already the thirtieth. The total amount of transactions with highly liquid domain names for the year reached $90 million. This, for example, is almost 50% higher than a year earlier, when the total was $56 million.

The largest sums came from transactions with domain names of 3-4 letters. The demand and value of such names is fully confirmed by the final ranking of transactions of the year according to the DN Journal resource: in first place is the sale of the name for $3 million, in second place is the sale of the domain for $1 million 800 thousand. 3rd and 4th places were shared by the domain names and, each of which changed owners for 1 million $500,000.

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