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AI Sharply Decreased in Afternic Transactions Ranking

Afternic (part of GoDaddy) has released a list of key domain name terms that accounted for the most transactions in October. Noteworthy is the sharp drop in popularity of the term AI (stands for Artificial Intelligence). If in September domain names containing this term accounted for the largest number of transactions on the Afternic platform, then in October the term AI was content with only ninth place.

The leader was the my term, which occupied second place a month earlier; the top five also included the terms group, it, home and health. The Domain Name Wire, reporting this news, clarifies that we are talking about the number of transactions with domain names containing a particular term, and not about the total amount of these transactions. Therefore, it is likely that artificial intelligence is still highly valued by domain investors, but the data provided by the Afternic simply does not allow us to judge this.

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