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Where and why ccTLDs are more popular than .COM

The analysis company has presented findings from a curious survey. DataProvider wanted to find out in which countries websites are created primarily with domains in country-code domains, and which ones in .COMs (other generic top-level domains were not considered). According to the survey, the largest number of active domain names in ccTLDs can be found today in domains in Germany (.DE), the United Kingdom (.UK), Russia (.RU), the Netherlands (.NL), and Brazil (.BR). The lowest results were found in the ccTLDs of South Sudan (.SS), Nauru (.NR), North Korea (.KP), Eritrea (.ER) and the Marshall Islands (.MH).

As for the ratio of names in ccTLDs versus .COM domain zones as used for websites created by legal entities and individuals in a particular country, Montenegro is the most “patriotic” with almost 100 percent of all websites using names in the .ME domain zone, followed by Colombia with 89 percent in .CO versus 11 percent in .COM. The Russian Federation was third with 88 percent in .RU versus 12 percent in .COM. The other top ten countries where country-code domains are predominant include Brazil, Chile, Germany, Latvia, Poland, South Africa and Switzerland.

As for countries where country-code domains are comprehensively lower than the .COM domain zone, the United States tops the list. This is not surprising; many Americans still do not know that their country has a ccTLD: .US.

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