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Over 50 Domains of Well-Known Pirate Library Blocked

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation, together with the Austrian Ministry of the Interior, conducted the next stage of the operation to combat the pirated e-book library Z-Library. It is one of the largest resources of its kind, providing unlicensed access to more than 11 million books and 84 million copyrighted magazine and newspaper articles. The first stage of this operation was carried out about a year ago, when law enforcement agencies blocked and confiscated the main domain of the library, as well as over 200 other domain names used by the pirate service, the Domain Gang reports.

The current “catch” of law enforcement authorities turned out to be more modest, but it is still quite significant: another 54 domain names that served for pirated access to copyrighted content were blocked. Among the blocked domains are, for example,,,,,,, and many other names. All of these domains now display a notice stating that they have been blocked by the US FBI due to international requests or a warrant issued by the District Court for the Eastern District of New York.

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