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News Prepared Gifts for Domain Investors for Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday is a day when digital companies delight their customers with significant discounts, just like retailers do on Black Friday. This year it falls on November 27, and many companies have already announced very attractive offers. Among them is, part of Identity Digital (formerly Donuts), which manages the largest portfolio of new gTLDs.

From Wednesday, November 22 until Monday, November 27, the service is offering discounts on name registrations in 28 gTLDs, TLD Investors reports. Moreover, in some cases these discounts amount to 98-99%. For example, in the .BAR, you can register a domain name for $0.99 – instead of the usual $84.99. And in the .SITE, annual domain name registration during this period will cost the same $0.99 instead of the usual $44.99. The discounts also apply to the most popular domain zones: for example, in the .COM the registration price is reduced by 29% ($9.99 instead of 13.99), in the .AI– by 22% ($69.99 instead of 89.99), and in the .IO - immediately by 70% ($14.99 instead of 49.99). It should be added that the .AI domain registration requires registration for 2 years at once, and the discount applies only to the first of them. In addition - and this, of course, applies to all domain zones - the discount does not apply to subsequent registration renewals.

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