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Dharmesh Shah Acquired

Another major transaction has been completed in Anguilla's national domain .AI. Quite recently, a record for this domain zone was set: entrepreneur and investor Dharmesh Shah, founder of the HubSpot, purchased the name for $700,000. He also acted as a buyer now, having acquired the for an amount that is quite likely even larger.

The Domain Gang reports that Dharmesh Shah intends to use the domain to collect data from his upcoming project related to AI. At the same time, the businessman very intriguingly noted that will become “the most expensive domain name ever for a totally free newsletter with no monetization plans whatsoever.” This phrase, while catchy, does not give any idea of the amount of the transaction, but market experts believe that at least $1 million was paid for the domain.

However, Shah is generally known for his penchant for not skimping on the acquisition of high-profile domain names. So, in March of this year, he acquired the domain. The transaction amount was also not disclosed, but the buyer himself called it “eight-figure” - that is, exceeding $10 million. Then everyone expected that some stunning project would be launched on the domain, but two months later Dharmesh Shah announced that he had sold the domain name - and at a higher price than he had purchased.

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