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Dynadot Become the Exclusive .AI Domain Registry Partner

Dynadot announced that it has entered into a partnership with the Anguilla country code registry .AI. As part of this agreement, the company is given the right to conduct auctions of domain names in the .AI zone, the registration of which was not promptly renewed by the previous owners. Conducting such auctions is a fairly profitable business, and in this case, it looks doubly attractive: after all, we are talking about the .AI domain, the name of which coincides with the abbreviation Artificial Intelligence  - the “hottest” technology topic of recent times. According to media reports, the number of registrations in the domain zone doubled over the previous year, and the registry's revenues over the past two years will grow more than 3 times.

According to Domain Name Wire, auctions will be held monthly, starting on the last Friday of each month. The duration of the auction is 10 days, the starting price of any lot is equal to the cost of registering a domain name in the .AI domain zone – $140. The next auction starts this Friday, and the list of domains that will be auctioned is published on the Dynadot website. Among the lots are many potentially promising domains for which applications are already being actively placed. For example, the domain name has already attracted 25 bids, the maximum of which reached $3,333.

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