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GoCompare returned to its original domain

The, which the company pompously transferred its business to a year ago, is now redirecting to

The British company GoCompare moved its website for the second time in a year. Outside the UK, this company is not very well known, but in the country itself, not. The reason is intrusive television advertising, the musical accompaniment of which the British once recognized as "the most annoying music on television." GoCompare is an online analytical service that allows the user to compare the cost of insurance services in different companies.

For a long time, the company's website worked on the domain, but at the beginning of September last year, a large-scale rebranding was carried out. The site has been moved to the Thus, the domain not only completely coincided with the brand name, but also with its essence. In a word, the choice seemed very successful. The company, as always, did not stint on advertising, it even sponsored the British show "Voice", on the air of which the name of the new domain was repeatedly mentioned.

However, the change does not appear to have lived up to expectations. According to Domain Incite, the company has returned its site to the domain. And the domain now serves only to redirect to it. Unfortunately, we have to admit that new domains are still struggling to gain trust. And even if big business decides to experiment with them, the conservatism of users makes the results of these experiments not very successful - what else, if not a decrease in attendance, can explain the fact that the GoCompare service had to "back up"? By the way, it can be noted that in general, the new generic top-level domain .COMPARE (managed by the GoDaddy registry) cannot boast of outstanding results. It was delegated back in January 2016, but according to nTLDStats statistics, today there are only about 560 registered names in it.

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