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News Redirects to Twitter

Elon Max started using his The entrepreneur acquired it in 2017 from the PayPal service, the terms of the transaction were not disclosed, and therefore one can only guess about the amount of the purchase. For almost 6 years, the domain was not used in any way, visitors were greeted by a landing page with a small letter "x" in the upper left corner. But everything changed over the weekend.

Previously, Musk has repeatedly announced his desire to create a company "X" - a kind of umbrella brand, which would include, among other things, financial services and the Twitter service (blocked in the territory of the Russian Federation since March 2022). And apparently, now he has moved from words to deeds. The domain redirects visitors to the Twitter website. Moreover, we are obviously talking about a complete rebranding of the service: the Twitter account itself has already been renamed to "X". The observers are completely bewildered. Thus, the Domain Investing, reporting this news, notes that, from the point of view of popularizing a new brand, it would be much more logical to do exactly the opposite: set up a redirect from to But, as you know, Elon Musk's decisions do not always look logical. However, they are successful at the same time - at least from time to time.

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