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Review Mechanism for IFO Decisions which apply to ccTLDs Presented During ICANN 77

A Review Mechanism for IFO Decisions which apply to ccTLDs was introduced (CCRM) at ICANN77. This appeal mechanism has been developed over several years through the ccNSO PDP3 process.

In 2021, the ccNSO completed the Policy on the Retirement of ccTLDs, which was approved in June 2021. But according to RFC 1591 (Domain Name System Structure and Delegation), there must also be a mechanism whereby any decisions regarding the domain could be challenged. Now, if a domain administrator disagrees with a decision regarding a domain, he will be able to appeal the decision using the appeal mechanism.

In the spring of 2023, a ccNSO member vote was held, during which the proposed review policy was supported by a majority of votes: a total of 105 members voted out of 173 (60%), while 101 participants supported the recommendation of the ccNSO Council to adopt the policy recommended by the ccNSO, 2 voted “against” and 2 voted without selecting any of the options. The ccNSO Council then approved the completed Board Report to the ICANN, which is now presented to the Board. If approved by the ICANN Board of the recommended ccTLD review policy, the policy will be forwarded to ICANN staff for implementation in accordance with the ICANN Bylaws.

“This is a very important milestone in establishing policies and rules for country domains. The ccTLD Retirement Policy and Review Mechanism has been a total of over five years in the making, and is a lot of work from a large group of people from different countries. Thanks to the working group that did it! And thanks to the community that supported the process!” - said Irina Danelia, Deputy Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ and a member of the ccNSO Council.

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