The Sedo domain marketplace has published a list of the most popular keywords, which domain investors used to search for names in May. The first two places remained the same as in April: “shop” and “pay” retained the first and second places, respectively. But the change in the third place is quite revealing.
In April, “NFT”, which has generally remained among the leading keywords for a very long time, was in third place. In May, NFT was seventh, while the third place went to “bet.” Perhaps this indicates that domain investors are starting to lose interest in non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
It is also amusing to note that the German word Wärmepumpe came fourth in the top ten most searched keywords in May, according to TLD Investors. Sedo itself is a German site, and therefore the popularity of search queries in German is not surprising. But the fact is that the word
ärmepumpe means “heat pump” – quite a specific term for a domain site. Perhaps, it is connected to the summer season: heat pumps are an essential component of air conditioners and refrigerators.