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Identity Digital Reports $1.44 Million Sale of Platinum Domains

Identity Digital (formerly Donuts) has summed up the sale of "platinum" domain names for the period from 2018 to the present. This category includes domains that are of such high value that the registry initially reserves them for itself and then sells them at special prices. Domain Name Wire became aware of the results of 36 such transactions. Since Identity Digital operates a large number of new gTLDs, it's only natural that they accounted for the vast majority of sales (all but one, to be exact). As expected, the most popular options were when the names of the domain and the domain zone form meaningful and frequently used phrases. Thus, the largest "platinum" deal was the sale of the for $ 250,000 in 2022. The domain was sold for $75,000, and for $58,000. In total, the sale of 36 domain names brought $1.44 million to the registry.

The registry shared this information for a reason. It can be considered an announcement of the upcoming action. In July, Identity Digital withdraws another 50,000 domain names from its "platinum reserve", which will become available to everyone.

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