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Istanbul Hosts ICANN Middle East DNS Forum

The ICANN Middle East DNS Forum (MEDNSF 2023) - which is addressed by specialists from the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ - began its work In Istanbul (Turkey), on May 9.

The Forum brings together experts and stakeholders to discuss the latest developments in the global domain name market and ways to strengthening the Domain Name System (DNS) industry in the Middle East. Participants have the opportunity to learn about new developments in DNS-related standards and technologies, better understand ICANN's role in shaping the future of the Internet, and learn how to be a part of this global process.

“The Russian ccTLD registry and our colleagues from the Middle East traditionally maintain a stable dialogue on a wide range of issues: from the development of the domain registration market to countering the DNS Abuse. It is extremely important for us not only to preserve, but also to increase the points of contact between our interests. The Forum in Istanbul is an excellent opportunity for industry experts to talk about their developments to ensure further joint development of the global Internet addressing system,” said Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.

On the first day of MEDNSF 2023, a special retrospective lecture on the evolution of the DNS and its place in the Internet of the future was delivered by John Crane, a member of the ICANN executive group responsible for leading ICANN organization (org)’s efforts to improve knowledge about the identifiers ICANN coordinates. John Crane has worked for many years to improve the overall security, stability, and resiliency of the Internet's identifier systems and related infrastructure, and is responsible for overseeing the functions of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

Of particular note is Women Strengthening Cyber Resilience panel, where female cybersecurity professionals spoke about the multi-layered strategies needed to secure the Internet, including DNS and related apps.

During the session on the Turkish domain registration market, industry players, including registrars, resellers and hosting companies operating in Turkey, discussed the current situation in the domain name market in Turkey, while the .TR registry spoke about the updated rules for registering Turkish domains.

The first day of the Forum ended with a Cocktail Reception dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of ICANN's MEA Regional Office in Istanbul.

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