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Over The Past Year, 753,412 New Domains Were Registered In The ccTLD of France

Afnic, which manages the French national domain .FR, has published a number of statistics regarding the progress of the domain zone in the past year. Symbolically important for the domain was the achievement in December 2022 of the milestone of 4 million registrations. At the same time, 753,412 new names were registered in the national domain of France during the year. This figure remains consistently high, not falling below 600,000 new registrations since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Truth be told, the growth of the domain zone in 2022 amounted to 2.9%, significantly decreasing compared to the previous year (then it reached 5.9%). However, recent growth figures still outperform both the French domain market as a whole (growth of 1.3%) and the average annual growth of European ccTLDs (2%). The .FR remains the leader of the French domain market, having increased its market share to 39.4%. France's ccTLD market share grew by 0.6% last year, while .COM fell by 0.5% over the same period. Thus, representatives of Afnic state that the national domain of France is the number one choice for the French and continues to strengthen in this capacity.

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