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New gTLD sales in March

TLD Investors, citing NameBio, reviewed the results of the latest gTLD sales through March. The number of sales remained almost unchanged compared to the previous month: 215 in March against 216 in February. But the average sale price decreased by more than three times: in February, it was $2,252, while in March it dropped to $719. Accordingly, the total values of the sales fell quite significantly, by more than $300,000: $486,400 in February and only $159,315 in March.

Indian investor Swetha Yenugula again topped the sale list. But in February her most expensive sale,, brought $74,888, while in March she sold for only $19,888. Second place went to, which was sold for $14,902. The rest of the sales in March totaled less than $10,000.

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