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It appears that the biggest deal of the year has been concluded on the domain market. However, it will not be included in various rating surveys because the partners have pledged not to disclose any information, and the exact price remains under wraps. Nevertheless, it is quite impressive. Two highly experienced domain brokers, Andrew Miller and Larry Fischer, helped close the transaction. Miller wrote on Twitter that this was the most significant domain asset transaction in the combined 50+ years of their joint work in the domain industry.

Indian businessman and investor Dharmesh Shah, co-founder of Hubspot, purchased the domain. When reached by Domain Investing writer Elliot Silver, Shah confirmed the news. Shah said that he had purchased the domain for himself, rather than on behalf of his company, because he sees it as a highly valuable asset for its brevity and because the new language models and related chat-bots are easy to memorize and extremely popular. He added that the purchase of the domain name was one of his most expensive transactions he had ever been involved in. A year ago, Shah was involved in purchasing the domain for $10 million on behalf of his company. It appears that the domain cost even more.

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