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The New Owners Of Gandi Registrar Started By Upsetting Customers

Gandi, the largest French domain registrar and hosting provider, was recently taken over by Total Web Solutions and became part of the new Your.Online business structure. These changes have been viewed with dismay by many of Gandi's clients, whose fears seem to have begun to be confirmed. According to the Domain Name Wire, the new owners of the service are likely to be focused on maximizing profits and intend to take unpopular measures for this.

Previously, each Gandi customer who registered a domain name through the company received two email addresses, which they could use absolutely free of charge as long as the registration remained in force. Now, the company's customers have been informed that mailboxes will remain free only during the first year of domain registration. Then you have to pay for them, and a very impressive amount. For example, UK customers will be charged £36 per address per year.

Such innovations caused indignation on the part of customers. As a result, the company had to make small concessions. If initially it gave customers who disagreed to pay for mails only two months to transfer their email to other services, now this period has been extended to November 30 this year. Nevertheless, the actions of the new owners of the registrar company look quite risky and may negatively affect the state of the client base in the future.

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