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Domain Investor Took Registration Renewal Reminder For Scam Trick

Representatives of the reported a completely anecdotal case. A certain domain investor purchased a domain name on the site. And after some time he began to try to return it and demand the money back. The reason was truly incredible. The buyer was sure that he was acquiring the domain name in ownership. And when a reminder came to his email about the need to renew the registration and pay for it, the man considered that he was dealing with fraudulent tricks.

When the unlucky investor was convinced that he was not dealing with scammers, and that the registration of domain names really needed to be renewed, he began to make claims to the trading platform, emphasizing that he had not been warned in advance about the need for additional costs. The Domain Gang, reporting this news, ironically notes that the basics of domain literacy should be taught in universities, and even better - in schools.

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