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EURid has Published Q4 2022 Progress Report

The EURid, which manages the unified country code domain of the countries of the European Union .EU, has published a report for the Q4 of last year. 3,702,264 domain names were registered in .EU as of December 31, 2022. More precisely, this is the number of registrations in the .EU domain zone and its internationalized versions - .eu and .ευ. During the last three months of the year, 186,117 new domain names were registered. However, there was some decline during the quarter, with 3,711,686 registrations for the .EU domain and its internationalized versions in October.

In the Q4, Luxembourg became the leader in terms of growth, demonstrating an impressive growth rate of 15.9%. Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, which are in second and third places, have much more modest results: 1.6% and 1.2%, respectively. The average renewal rate for the quarter was 78%.

The .EU ranks fifth among the largest ccTLDs included in the Council of European National Top-Level Domain Registries (CENTR), behind only ccTLDs from Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands and France. However, it should be understood that this rating does not reflect the real picture: for example, CNNIC is not a member of CENTR, and the membership of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ in CENTR was temporarily suspended in March last year. Thus, the results of the national domains .CN and .RU were not taken into account in the distribution of places.

If we talk about individual countries of the European Union, then the largest number of registrants of names in the .EU domain is in Germany - 997,352. Followed by the Netherlands - 463,116 and France - 305,672. accredited registrar companies that provide customers with the ability to register domain names in the .EU domain and its internationalized versions.

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