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Google Has Found The Perfect Partner In The United Nations

For any registry, spreading awareness of a new gTLD is its most crucial responsibility. Celebrities are involved, business deals with major corporations are made, and significant quantities of money are spent on advertising to achieve these goals. But it appears that Google has located the ideal fit. The United Nations, the most well-known institution in the world, is its partner and a major user of the new .DAY domain.

According to the Domain Incite, about two dozen premium domain names in the .DAY zone are registered by the UN structures. In this case, domains are used to redirect to existing sites of these structures. Thus, the domain redirects to the page of the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, at the same time reminding that World AIDS Day is celebrated on December 1st. The domain leads to the website of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), indicating that World Children's Day falls on November 20th. And the domain redirects visitors to the UN Women website (a reminder of the date of International Women's Day would probably be redundant for Russian readers).

The .DAY domain was launched by Google at the end of 2021, and currently has about 14,000 registered names. But it is likely that the interest of the UN in the domain zone will increase its popularity, and soon this number will grow noticeably.

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