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The Financial Giant Lost A Domain Dispute To A Private Entrepreneur

The US National Arbitration Forum has issued a verdict on a complaint filed by financial and brokerage corporation Charles Schwab Corporation. The complaint was filed against the domain, and the plaintiff had every chance of winning. The domain name contains both the surname Schwab - it was worn by the founder of the company, and the word financial - an indication of the key area of its activity. In addition, Charles Schwab Corporation, a financial giant with a turnover of tens of billions of dollars, did not stint on lawyers: the interests of the company were represented by lawyers from a very reputable firm Holland & Hart LLP.

However, all this was not enough for success. According to the Domain Name Wire, during the proceedings it was established that the domain registrant's name is Simon Schwab. And the site created on the domain offers services of small (up to $50,000) loans to small businesses. Thus, both domain registration and its use are completely legitimate and do not infringe on the interests of the Charles Schwab Corporation.

This could be the end of it, but the panel of arbitrators was very annoyed by the fact that the complaint of Charles Schwab Corporation contained clearly false information. For example, it stated that the surname Schwab was not the real surname of the registrant, and the domain was not active. At least the second claim can be verified in a few seconds without any legal tricks by simply typing the domain name into the browser's address bar. And the fact that Simon Schwab is actually Simon Schwab is also found out quite easily. As a result, the panel of arbitrators not only dismissed the complaint, but also found the Charles Schwab Corporation guilty of attempting to retake the domain name.

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