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The market for liquid domains showed a strong decline in the Q4 of last year

GGRG published its quarterly review of the market for liquid domain names. It includes domain names of 2-4 characters (letters or numbers in any combination), as well as names of 5 digits in the .COM. The total number of such domains is 614,928 and they are regarded as the most valuable in the domain market. The published report sums up the results of the last quarter of last year and captures a very sad picture: almost all indicators decreased compared to the previous quarter, and quite noticeably.

Thus, the total amount of transactions carried out through the secure deposit service (which is very often used for large domain purchases) decreased by almost 51% - from 23.2 to 11.4 million dollars. Things are even worse with transactions, information about which has appeared in the public domain - their total volume fell immediately by 85% - to over $3 million.

The only category of domain names within the group of liquid ones that showed positive dynamics were names with four digits. Both the total amount of transactions with them and the median amount of a transaction in the Q4 of last year increased. But the overall situation still does not look very rosy. Separately, it can be noted that the number of transactions, information about which appeared in the public domain, during the quarter increased by 21% compared to the previous period. Combined with a notable drop in the total value of these transactions, this may indicate that investors no longer view liquid domains as a valuable asset and are actively dumping them, even at low prices.

However, the authors of the report point out that the overall economic situation in the world in the Q4 was far from the best, and highly liquid domains only repeat the fate of other most valuable assets. A decrease in the last three months of the year was shown by gold, securities, real estate, and cryptocurrencies.

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