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US State Governments Are Shifting Their Resources to the .GOV

The authorities of many states in the US are moving their electronic resources to domain names in the generic top-level domain .GOV. Previously, the practice of using domain names in the US ccTLD .US was very common. The rejection of it is dictated primarily by security considerations: anyone can register a name in the .US domain. This creates the risk of registering domains similar to those of official bodies and then using them, for example, for phishing or other illegal purposes. In addition, there are organizational difficulties. For example, it is more difficult for state officials to register for events hosted by the federal government: registration requires sending email messages from addresses in the same .GOV domain.

The government's .GOV domain is much more secure, and registration of names in it is possible only after proof of affiliation with local or federal governments. True, earlier cybersecurity specialists managed to bypass this protection system. But now it will probably be much more difficult to do so. In the past, the US General Services Administration acted as the registry for the .GOV domain, but last year the rights to manage the domain zone were transferred to the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. And to whom, if not him, to provide the most reliable protection.

However, security comes at a cost. Thus, the Domain Name Wire, referring to the office of the Governor of Colorado, reports that the transfer of all Internet resources of the state authorities from domain names in the .US zone to domains in the .GOV zone will cost the local treasury at least $ 2 million.

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