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New Phase of New Domains Program Will Require ICANN to Hire Over 100 Additional Staff

The implementation plan for Phase 2 of the New Domains Program has been presented to the ICANN Board for consideration. More precisely, we can talk about two plans at once - or about two implementation options. The first involves the creation of an automated application processing system, but work on it will take at least 5 years and will require large investments. In the second option, applications will be processed manually, which will place a heavy burden on ICANN staff. However, in this case, the second stage of the program can start in a year and a half and will require half the cost of preparation.

But anyway, the number of ICANN staff will have to increase significantly. Thus, the first option will require hiring 25-30 full-time employees and 10-15 contractors at the launch stage and another 50-60 people at the stage of direct work on applications. It is logical to assume that the final figures will be closer to the upper limit than to the lower limit, and therefore we are talking about an increase in ICANN staff by more than 100 people. Domain Incite reports that the corporation is already considering options for leasing additional office space near its headquarters in Los Angeles. And he recalls that in May 2012, shortly before the start of the first phase of the new domains program, the staff of the ICANN corporation was only 143 people. And a year later it rose to 239.

However, it is still unclear how many additional employees will be required if the second version of the plan is approved as a result, which does not provide for automatic processing of applications, but an additional burden on employees. But logic suggests that in this case, the increase in staff may be even more tangible.

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