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CENTR sums up first six months in European ccTLDs

CENTR, which unites European ccTLD registries, has published a report summing up the results of the first six months of the year. It shows a slight decline in all key indicators. For example, the document notes that the growth in the number of new registrations observed in the first quarter of this year has subsequently slowed down, “returning to pre-pandemic levels.” However, a decrease in the number of domain deletions, or non-renewal of their registration, was recorded at the same time.

As a result, the median growth was 2.0 percent as of early July, which is lower than over the last period. Registration renewals have also dwindled but remained at a decent level: 83.6 percent. Finally, the number of domains in European ccTLDs with operating websites has also slightly decreased: now it is estimated at 44 percent of their total number. Practically the only indicator showing growth was the median price of domain name registration. It amounted to 9.9 euros (including taxes) compared to nine euros a year earlier.

The most successful European ccTLDs showing the fastest growth over the last year are .PT (Portugal), .IS (Iceland), .DK (Denmark), .EE (Estonia) и .BA (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

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