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Liquid domains fail to impress again

The latest Liquid Domain Market Report was published at the end of last week. It assesses the state of the liquid domain market in the second quarter of this year. Liquid domains are .COM domain names with 2-5 symbols (letters or numbers in various combinations). There are a total of 614,928 such names.

According to The Domains, the state of this market is far from brilliant. For example, the total value of liquid domain deals registered via dropped from 16 million in the first quarter to 5.6 million in the second quarter. (It must be considered that the first quarter was also underperforming compared to last year's Q4, which totaled $34 million in such deals.)

It is true that the total worth of the disclosed sales with liquid domains went up in the second quarter compared to Q1, and quite significantly – by 185 percent. However, this figure is potentially deceptive, because most of the rise was due to the sale of for $3.8 million. But in fact, the deal was concluded at the end of last year, and was included in the statistics of the last quarter only because the buyer, who initially purchased the domain in installments, found a way to pay the entire amount.

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