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.XYZ squeezes out French ccTLD

As previously reported, Verisign published its Domain Name Industry Brief for Q1. In addition to many important statistical indicators, this document captures a very remarkable change in the top 10 largest domains by number of registrations. Until recently, the top 10 included only legacy gTLDs and ccTLDs.

Now there is a newcomer in the top 10. As of March 31 this year, the new gTLD .XYZ ranks 10th. A lot has been said about its growing popularity lately, and breaking into the top 10 largest domain zones is further proof of this momentum. Domain Incite draws attention to the fact that .XYZ kicked the venerable French ccTLD .FR out of 10th place. According to the DNIB, there are 4 million registrations in .XYZ and 3.9 million registrations in .FR.

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