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Internet had 350.5 million domain names in first quarter of 2022

Verisign has published its quarterly report Domain Name Industry Brief (DNIB). The new issue summarizes the results of the first quarter of 2022, which closed with 350.5 million domain name registrations across all top-level domains as of March 31.

The domain .COM, managed by Verisign, takes the leading position. .COM and .NET (another Verisign domain) account for almost half of all registered domain names in the world: 174.7 million (161.3 million in .COM and 13.4 million in .NET). In the first quarter, these two domains grew by 0.7 percent as compared with the 4th quarter 2021, an increase of 1.2 million domain name registrations.

The .COM and .NET TLDs had a combined increase of 6.7 million domain name registrations.

Country-code TLDs showed stronger growth, with an additional 6 million domain names registrations, or an increase of 4.7 percent as compared to the previous quarter. The top three country-code TLDs are China’s .CN (20.6 million), Germany’s .DE (17.2 million), and Great Britain’s .UK (11.1 million). The Russian national domain ranks 5th with 5.7 million registrations. Total country-code TLD domain name registrations were 133.4 million at the end of March 2022. It is noteworthy that DNIB does no longer include the “pseudo-national” domain of Tokelau, .TK.

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