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The PIR registry received the rights to manage 3 Donuts domains

The Public Interest Registry (PIR), which manages the gTLD .ORG, has acquired the rights to acquired three more domain zones. All of them are thematically related to charity: .CHARITY, .FOUNDATION and .GIVES. They were previously managed by Donuts, and their transition to PIR looks like a very logical thing: the registry has a lot of experience with the .ORG domain, which is addressed primarily to NPOs.

Nowadays, the most successful of these domains is .FOUNDATION, with about 20,000 registered names. In .CHARITY and .GIVES, the number of registrations does not exceed a few thousand. The terms of the deal were not disclosed, but the Domain Name Wire, which reported the news, had previously suggested that the domains could have passed into the hands of PIR without an upfront payment - with the expectation of deductions from future revenues. In addition, we should not forget that Donuts is the technical operator of the .ORG domain, and this contract brings them about $ 18 million a year. In a word, PIR and Donuts have a close partnership, and the companies were certainly able to agree on mutually beneficial terms.

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