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Greek-script .eu domains will be deleted this year

The EURid Registry, which manages the .EU unified country code domain of the European Union, announced that names using the Greek script will be removed from the domain zone on November 14 this year. The "neighborhood" of mixed-script in the spelling of a domain name has always been considered as a potential security risk. However, previously the EURid registry had to put up with this: Greece is a member of the EU, and therefore its citizens have the full right to register names in the .EU domain, while the Greek language does not use the Latin alphabet.

The problem was solved by the launch of an internationalized Greek version of the Europe-wide domain .ευ. Now registrants with Greek names in the .EU domain will receive the pre-emptive right to register their “clones” in the .ευ zone from the registry, according to Domain Name Wire. However, there is no information yet on how the conflict will be resolved if it turns out that the corresponding name in the .ευ domain zone has already been registered earlier. In any case, this is hardly a very large number of domain names: as of the end of 2021, there were only 2,694 registrations in the .ευ domain zone.

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