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The domain appears to have changed its hoster

Love Health Inc. submitted a trademark application to the US Patent Office. The name of the company is hardly known, and there is nothing to be surprised due to the fact that it was registered only in December last year. But its president is known - Mr. J. A. Ran, who previously founded the biotechnology company MindMed. The company conducts research in the field of treatment of addictions and mental disorders with the help of psychoactive substances, including LSD.

The nature of these studies should be bracketed out because in this case, it does not matter. What matters is that submission of the trademark “regardless of the font, size, and color of the name” can only mean one thing: Love Health, Inc. purchased the domain. The domain had been registered in 1998 and previously belonged to Yahoo. Later, the rights to the domain along with Yahoo's assets were transferred to the telecommunications company Verizon. At the same time, no changes have been noticed in the Whois records of the domain yet. The Domain Gang resource, reporting this news, suggests that the lack of changes is due to the fact that the deal has not been formally closed yet.

Domain market analysts are unanimous in their opinion that the deal amounted to many millions of dollars. Even more than $10 million. It is also interesting that the trademark application was submitted shortly before Valentine's Day (February 14), when the word Love (“love”) is on everyone's lips all over the World.

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