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New stats site publishes daily domain sales

Domain investor Leanne McMahon has launched a new website that analyzes the previous day’s domain name sales. It will publish daily details of domain name deals. In addition to the amounts of transactions, the will report a lot of another valuable information such as the date of registration of the sold domains, and if the domains contain hyphens or numbers and etc. Also, will publish the appraisal value of domains according to GoDaddy. This service uses Artificial Intelligence algorithms to estimate roughly the domains’ value, and even though it is very approximate and very often does not match the real amounts of transactions, the very difference between market and such estimates can already give a lot of food for thought.

According to the Domain Name Wire, Lynn McMahon plans to increase the amount of published data, including, for example, number of characters in domain names in the future. The site will also publish monthly reviews of deals. But it is already obvious that in its current form, can become a very valuable and sought-after resource for both domain investors and domain market analysts.

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