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Showing the “age” of a domain name in the browser is a good security measure

The U.S. Patent and Trademark granted patent number 11,240,257 to Lookout, Inc., working in the field of cybersecurity, for Domain name and URL visual verification for increased security. The Domain Name Wire resource highlights that solution can really prevent many threats of the global network the users face.

What is meant here is a proposal to indicate in the browsers’ address bar the "age" of domain names and to mark as potentially unsafe domains which have been recently registered, say, within the previous month. Everyone knows that malicious actors mass-register domain names to carry out, for example, phishing campaigns, and then they leave them as soon as security solutions begin to associate these names with malicious activity. In this case, the users are unlikely to follow the link sent allegedly by their bank, due to the information that the domain was registered only a few days ago. Another useful idea is to similarly tag domains that have recently changed their DNS server. This makes sense, because cybercriminals often break into and take control of domains to which registrants don't pay too much attention.

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