The panel’s objective was to find out what specifically the community and, above all, the country domain registries expect from the ccNSO (Country Code Names Supporting Organisation) regarding DNS abuse. DNS abuse prevention is a critical task facing the entire ICANN community and is traditionally given much attention at public meetings. Country domain name registries successfully implement a variety of local and regional initiatives.
However, some time ago several members of the ccNSO and the broader ICANN community voiced an opinion that ccNSO as an entity could be more active in solving issues related to DNS abuse.
The section was chaired by Alejandra Reynoso (.gt) and moderated by Nick Wenban-Smith (.uk); its participants: James Galvin (GNSO), Gabriel Andrews (GAC), John Crain (ICANN), Christoph Tuteleers (.be, Brussels), Anil Kumar Jain (.in) and Byron Holland (.ca), shared their ideas on possible action that could be taken by ccNSO to prevent DNS abuse.
The organizers also presented a consolidated list of submitted proposals to the participants and asked them to express their opinions. The inquiry revealed both unanimous support with respect to some of the initiatives and a lack of consensus regarding others.
Based on the advice passed on at the meeting, the ccNSO Council will prepare a plan on how the ccNSO can enhance its participation in the discussions concerning DNS abuse and in relevant activities. Such a plan will be provided for discussion among the community members at the next meeting, ICANN 73, or at an intersessional webinar.