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ICANN70 Community Forum

The ICANN70 Community Forum began on March 22. It is the fourth such meeting in a row to be held virtually due to the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the event was scheduled to take place in Cancun, Mexico, the ICANN70 sessions are being held during regular working hours in Cancun (MSK-8).

ICANN Board Chair Maarten Botterman and ICANN President & CEO Göran Marby shared their expectations of the forum. Maarten Botterman said that one of the main issues on the agenda would be efforts against DNS abuse and adjusting the provision of information regarding registrants to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union. Göran Marby pointed out that during the past year when meetings were held exclusively online ICANN and many registrars and registries accumulated considerable experience and created effective remote tools for interaction and for planning and managing business processes. He added that it would be extremely valuable to exchange this experience.

At the same time, both officials noted that virtual events cannot replace face-to-face ones. Göran Marby said that face-to-face meetings had always been an important part of ICANN’s DNA and would be resumed as soon as possible.

ICANN70 will last until March 25.

Taking part in the ICANN virtual meeting are experts of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. Maria Kolesnikova, chief analyst at the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, will address the session devoted to remediating universal acceptance issues scheduled for March 25 at 5 pm MSK. Sign up to join ICANN70 at

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