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.EU suspension plan put on hold together with Brexit

Uncertainty around Brexit has messed up the plans of EURid, which manages the EU domain .EU. Previously, it was expected that Brexit would be completed by October 31, 2019, so the registry notified its clients in Great Britain and Gibraltar (which has the status of a British Overseas Territory) that starting from November 1, 2019 they would not be able to register .EU domain names. The existing registrants were given a two-month grace period to transfer their names to addresses in eligible nations or to other registrants with the right to register domain names in .EU. A year later, all the names registered by British individuals and legal entities were to have been blocked and returned to the available pool.

However, according to Domain Incite, the registry had to change its plans, because the British and European authorities were still unable to agree on the Brexit conditions and terms. This has already led to the resignation of former Prime Minister Theresa May. The new cabinet has reached a preliminary agreement to leave the European Union on October 31, but the conditions do not satisfy the British parliament. Observers believe that chances that the deadline will be met are very low. This is why EURid released the statement saying that it has put the previous plan on hold indefinitely. Its representatives promise to provide additional information after the situation regarding Brexit’s conditions and terms has been clarified.

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