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Cybersquatting complaints to WIPO up again

Domain Name Wire has published a chart of cybersquatting complaints filed with WIPO. In the first three quarters of 2019, WIPO received 2,723 complaints, trending upward from the same period in 2018 (2,592 complaints). Overall, the number of cybersquatting cases has been growing each year with the exception of 2016.

This, of course, is not apocalyptic growth. The total number of domains at issue is also very small compared to all registered domains: in the first three quarters of 2019, 3,430 .com domains were the subject of UDRP proceedings. Given that there are 144 million of domain names in .com, only one in 42,000 .com domains was involved in UDRP proceedings this year. On the other hand, WIPO is not the only agency that handles domain disputes and cybersquatting complaints.

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