ICANN has recently chosen its new chair and vice chair. Cherine Chalaby was the chair for two years. However, according to ICANN rules nine year is the maximum that someone can be on the board. So Chalaby is term-limited, having joined the board nine years ago, that is why he should be replaced, according to Domain Incite.
In addition to Bottermann, Chris Disspain and Ron da Silva also stood for the chair. Botterman managed to receive a majority of the votes. He is Dutch, based in Rotterdam, where he heads his own company, GNKS Consult. He is also on the board of the non-profit NLnet Foundation, which funds internet research in the Netherlands. Also, he has great experience in domain business management and politics. He chaired Public Interest Registry, which runs .org, and worked in the Dutch government and the European Commission.
León Felipe Sánchez Ambia will replace Chris Disspain as ICANN vice chair. The chair and vice chair will take their seats after a formal board voting session coming at the end of ICANN’s annual general meeting in Montreal on November 2 to 7.