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News sold for £390,000

Last week saw several major domain deals. DN Journal reports that several domain names were purchased in six-figure deals ($100,000 and up). The sale of being especially noteworthy. The GamingUSA betting company, which, despite its name, is registered in the United Kingdom, bought the domain name for £390,000 (around $488,000 at the time of the purchase). This is the year’s seventh biggest sale in the domain market. Everything seems to suggest that a new website will be launched on the domain soon, which currently brings up a Coming Soon splash page on it.

GamingUSA did not stop there and made another impressive purchase, ($60,000), although the deal seems rather modest compared to the other sales of the week. changed owners for $300,000 and for $188,000. Another deal worth noting is the sale of (“viajes” is “travel”) in the Spanish ccTLD. The domain name was purchased for €147,000 making it the largest deal involving a ccTLD since the beginning of the year.

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