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Popcorn seller hands over to Michael Jackson’s Estate

The Doman Name Wire publication reports that the domain name is now controlled by the Michael Jackson’s Estate, an organization that manages the rights to the property and legacy of Michael Jackson. A legal battle preceded the settlement. Gourmet Gift Baskets was the former owner of the domain name, which hosted a website selling popcorn.

In 2016, the Michael Jackson’s Estate accused Gourmet Gift Baskets of illegal use of the unofficial but world famous title of the King of Pop that the singer is known for. The lawyers of Michael Jackson’s Estate filed a suit, and in 2017 the parties reached a settlement agreement without waiting for a court ruling. The conditions of the agreement were not disclosed, but it seems that the parties agreed on a long transfer period to allow Gourmet Gift Baskets to transition its use of the domain and rebrand.

The domain resolved to its former website until about the middle of 2018, at which point it began forwarding to As for, it now forwards to

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