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Luxembourg ccTLD grows to over 100,000 domain names

RESTENA Foundation, operator of Luxembourg’s ccTLD .LU, reported that on June 21 the domain topped 100,000 registrations. As of the end of June, the domain had 100,056 registered domain names. Although it is a very modest number for a ccTLD, considering the country’s population of about 600,000 it is a very impressive result. Technically, it means that one in every six Luxembourgers registered a .LU domain name. It is comparable to the ratio in Great Britain that has 66 million people and 12,000 registered .UK domains. However, there are still countries with even higher per capita numbers. For example, Germany has one domain name per five residents and Netherlands has one domain per three.

Domain Incite points out that the per capita statistics should not be taken too seriously though. First of all, according to RESTENA Foundation, 75 percent of all domain names in .LU belong to corporations rather than to individuals. This can be easily explained by the preferential tax rate that is one of the reasons why many entrepreneurs choose to register their businesses in Luxembourg.

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