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The fight against cyber threats is important for the entire world

Moscow is hosting Sberbank’s second International Cybersecurity Congress. Bizon, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ long-time partner in information security, is the main organizational partner of the congress. Bizon is a participant in the Netoscope project and has a status of a competent organization at the Coordination Center.

The International Cybersecurity Congress (ICC) is being held by Sberbank for the second time. It is being attended by leading experts from all over the world. Last year ICC brought together over 2,200 participants representing 700 organizations from over 50 countries.

The forum is covering all the topical areas in information security and data protection and corporate and personal security. The forum participants discussed issues related to the protection of critical infrastructure and the Industrial Internet of Things as well as protection from information attacks and investigations into cybercrimes in telecommunications, the finance industry, industrial production, transportation and other spheres.

East-West Institute Executive Vice President Bruce McConnell was a main speaker. He talked about the developments in cyberattack attribution. His speech partly continued his report made at the Russian Internet Governance Forum that the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ held in Kazan in 2017. At that time, Bruce McConnell spoke about the difficulties of attributing cyberattacks. Most participants agreed, adding that it was sometimes impossible. At this congress, McConnell said that over the past two years researchers had made significant progress and that today there was a better chance for a successful investigation.

“The most important issues are raised at Sberbank’s International Cybersecurity Congress. They are discussed at different venues, including those organized by the Coordination Center. The subjects that were raised before continue to be discussed here, and ideas expressed at other events have become reality, and the ICC speakers are talking about this. We can see that the entire world is fighting cyber threats and we are happy to be part of a larger discussion on international security problems, which, of course, must take place at as many venues as possible and attract as many participants as possible,” said Coordination Center Director Andrey Vorobyev.

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