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Hebrew analogue of .com domain enters the market

A little over 200 domain names were registered in the first two weeks after the launch of the קום. domain (Hebrew transliteration of .com). Its registry, VeriSign company, opened the registration on November 5, 2018, when it had a total of 3,200 registered domain names, Domain Incite reports.

No one exactly expected the domain to be in great demand, despite its being an analogue to the largest top level domain .com, since Hebrew is not that widely-spoken. According to Wikipedia, there are between seven and nine million Hebrew speakers in the world. Moreover, most of those who speak this language are also familiar with the Latin script.

Today, there are almost 247,000 domain names in Israel’s .IL national domain, which was introduced back in 1985. This is average for countries with similar population sizes. For instance, Serbia’s .RS domain has only 100,000 names, while Switzerland’s .CH domain has over 2 million.

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