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ICANN tightens requirements for Fellowship program participants

ICANN is about to revamp its Fellowship program in order to tighten requirements for its participants. The Fellowship program is designed to expand the ranks of proactive members of the ICANN community. Specifically, it offers free attendance at ICANN events for those who cannot afford travel and accommodation costs. However, the program has come under criticism lately with a number of opponents claiming that it is not being sufficiently accountable, and arguing that ICANN could make better use of its money in a time of budget pressure.

ICANN responded to this criticism by revamping the Fellowship program. The participants will now be required to attend working sessions during ICANN events. After all, Fellowship program participants apply for it in order to be present at these events, at least in theory. In real life, it is not uncommon for program participants, once their airfare and hotel accommodation are paid, to become tourists, completely forgetting about the business program. Special mentors, selected from among supporting organizations or ICANN advisory committees, will be selected to monitor attendance in a crackdown against these absentees. According to Domain Incite, the number of hours required doesn’t appear to be set in stone as yet.

In addition, starting with the upcoming October 2018 ICANN Meeting in Barcelona, Fellowship program participants will be asked to present written reports following the event. The rule whereby ICANN offers free attendance at no more than three events, also known as the three-meetings-only rule, will remain.

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