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Domain .COM has 127 million registered names again

Verisign has published data according to which the situation in .COM domain has stabilized. Earlier on the number of names registered in the largest domain zone decreased by more than 1.5 million. On December 15th there were less than 128 million names – absolute record for .com – while on December 30th it was already lower than 127 million.

Experts believe that the fall is a natural consequence of the domain boom that has engulfed the world and China above all in the end of 2015. The number of registrations then increased at an unprecedented rate; however, a considerable part of registered names were not demanded. Therefore, when the renewal period came, the numbers inevitably fell. It seems that this trend has passed its peak. As of January 16th, the number of registered names in .COM domain is over 127 million again, 127,097,845 to be precise.

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