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Container ship fire costs ICANN $700,000

ICANN reported in its blog that all the necessary equipment for ICANN57 in Hyderabad has been delivered this week. Previously, the company was concerned that the conference could face serious technical hurdles due to an incident that took place in the port of Hamburg in early September, when a major fire broke out on a large container ship which, among others, was carrying two containers with ICANN equipment.

It took several days to put out the fire. One of the company’s containers was not damaged and was soon transferred to another carrier and sent to its destination. The second container was located in direct proximity to the fire and was detained by the port administration until the end of an investigation that would take months. Currently, it is unclear how much the equipment was damaged by the fire. However, ICANN reported that the emergency purchase and delivery of replacement equipment cost it almost $700,000.

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