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Expert view on the future of cybercrimes

On October 13, the annual Group-IB CyberCrimeCon will take place. The conference will traditionally bring together the best Russian and foreign experts – representatives of banks, industrial enterprises and IT companies – who will exchange current practices on countering modern cyber threats. The Coordination Center for TLD RU will provide information support for the event.

CyberCrimeCon 2016 will feature a review of the annual report ( on cybercrime trends based on data of the Group-IB cyber intelligence service, as well as on the presentation of EUROPOL’s survey the Internet Organized Crime Threat Assessment. Representatives of INTERPOL, EUROPOL and cyber police of European countries will discuss real threats to states, companies and ordinary internet users. The participants will learn about threats they may face in the near future and ways to counter them. Forecasts and expectations by conference participants tend to come true: targeted attacks on banks, new Android viruses and spy tools which were discussed in 2015 made headlines in 2016.

The conference will be held on October 13 at Moscow’s ZIL Culture Center. For more information and tickets, visit

Group-IB is a competent organization collaborating with the Coordination Center for TLD RU in combating the use of domain names for the purpose of phishing, unauthorized access to third-party information systems, malware distribution and botnet management. Group-IB is also involved in the Netoscope project dealing with research in domain information security.

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