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The number of domains in DNS root zone reached 1500

Last Friday, 30th of September, the number of top-level domains in the root zone DNS reached a new round number – 1500, reports Domain Incite. By coincidence, it happened exactly on the day when the contract with NTIA expired. The US National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) used to perform the IANA functions. It was NTIA that approved adding two new gTLDs to the DNS root zone.

These domains were .通販 and .DVR. The first one is managed by Amazon; its name is translated from Japanese as “online-shopping”. The second one is an abbreviation of “digital video recorder”. The domain is administered by a satellite TV company Hughes, which initially planned to use it as “closed generic” but didn’t receive ICANN’s approval. As a result, registration in the domain will be available not only for the company itself, even though there are several restrictions. ICANN representatives officially confirmed that .通販 and .DVR were the last domains that had to be approved by the US government before being added to the DNS root zone.

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